Our pharmacists do more than fill your prescriptions, they take an active role in your care.
Working together with your physician to ensure the best care possible, our pharmacists provide expert counseling services about medications and nutritional supplements.
Medication Therapy Management (MTM) is a collaborative effort between you, your pharmacist and other healthcare professionals to promote the safe and effective use of medications. It is designed to help you achieve the targeted outcomes from a prescription regimen. MTM includes a range of services designed to help you:
- Know more – about getting the greatest benefit from your medications
- Reduce risk – by learning how to avoid harmful side effects
- Save money – by finding lower-cost alternatives to prescribed medications
During your private consultation, a New York City Pharmacy team member will review your medications and provide detailed advice regarding each of them. Throughout your treatment, our specially trained pharmacists will work closely with you and help you get the most benefits from your therapy.